NeatReceipts: Python and Django
In this video, I describe a web application I wrote in Python using Django. The main feature of the application is to track spending by allowing a user to upload receipts and view their spending habits. A network request is made to parse the receipt and store information in the database. The information is then displayed to the user in a variety of graphs. The application also features user login and administration managament.
Restaurant Generator: Python and SQLite
In this video, I describe an application I wrote in Python and SQLite. The main feature of the application is to suggest a restaurant for the users next meal. Users also have the ability to add restaurants to the database, view information about restaurants in the database, and edit restaurants.
BetterBuiltWorkouts: C# and ASP.NET
In this project, I completed a group project that was written in C# and ASP.NET with a database backend deployed in Azure. Users can create workout plans and add exercises to the plans. They can also perform workouts and track their progress. My team used GitHub for code collaboration and JIRA for task management.
Hospital Triage: Java and Data Structures
In this video I demonstrates my ability to use a variety of data structures. I used a PriorityQueue, HashMap, and Lists to simulate triaging patients through a hospital. Once patients are discharged, a sorting algorithm is used to help Hospital administrators better understand who they are servicing and better allocate resources. Using a HashMap, hospital staff have the ability to search for a patient using an ID to determine where the patient is located (ER, hospital, or discharged).
Triply: Java using Spring MVC
A group project built in Java leveraging Spring Boot MVC and Lombok. Our group used MySQL for the database, and GitHub for source control. The website allows users to plan vacations and activities. The group used the agile mythology for the software development life cycle.
Pets To Go: HTML and CSS
In this video, I describe a multi-page website written in HTML and CSS for a fictional client. The purpose of the website is to demonstrate my working knowledge of basic webpage design and development. The website is responsive and uses flexbox, media queries, and the Bootstrap Framework.